Monday, January 11, 2010

Health and Nutrition: The Specifics

Well, my big umbrella goal for January is Health and Nutrition. Why does this make me happy? Being in good shape and eating well makes me feel good for many reasons. Among them are, feeling more energetic, looking better and feeling more healthy. I also think it is important to set a good example for the kids that we take care one of our greatest gifts, our bodies. Here are a few specific steps toward making this happiness happen:

  • Walk and/or run 5 days a week. Work up to a 5 mile long-run once a week and 2-3 mile short runs the other 4 days (I was up to 6 miles at this time last year, but then got shin splints and had to stop for awhile)
  • Stretch a lot to feel better and avoid injury

  • Get out of school by 3:40 as often as possible so I can get in a 45 minute work out and be home by 4:50

  • Have workout clothes, water and lunch ready the night before-set up for success!

  • Drink more water throughout the day

  • Take vitamins

  • Eat a healthy breakfast at least most days

  • Plan better, more healthy meals, lunches and snacks for all of us

  • Eat at least 5 fruits/vegetables a day-work toward ensuring that for kids also

So far this is going very well. I have realized that in order to make it really happen, the key is to be ready the night before. This takes a lot more preparation than just eating whatever is available and not working out, but it is well worth it, as I already feel more energy throughout the day.


Cindy said...

Way to go! I agree, planning on exercise and good eating the night before is important. I'm trying to do that too. I wish you luck and HAPPINESS.

Denise said...

Yay. I can't wait to hear when you get up to 5 miles. That always takes me a long time.

Karen said...

Me too...I'm thinking spring break in 9 weeks...slow and steady...

*~Petra~* said...

Wow! That is an awesome list. 5 miles? I will be happy when I can run one full mile! :)

CR said...

You are an inspiration! My goal for the month is to stop eating candy for breakfast! ;)

Alison said...

Good for you! It sounds like you are off to a great start. Too bad we don't live near each other and could do it together. Is CR Christina being stealthy? If so.. HI! and if you aren't, hi anyway because I'm sure that you are nice.

Karen said...

Yes, CR is Christena.

CR said...

Hi Wawent! I love you! You figured me out. ;)