Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I'm Torn

Summer vacation is fast approaching, and as a teacher, that is always a time I look forward to, however, since we have had kids it has been a little different. I am happy about the upcoming time off, and look forward to being at home more, but at the same time, feel anxious about time passing by so quickly. Once this school year is over (8 more days, but who's counting?), Shayne will be done with first grade. Maya had her last day of preschool on Thursday and it was so sad. It was even more sad for us because she has had the same wonderful teacher and classroom aids for 2 years and they have helped her make so much progress. These last 8 days will go by in a whirlwind of activity, and when it is over, I will be off work for 7 weeks, but the kids will be moving on too...bittersweet.


Denise said...

I know. Part of me is excited about the kids getting older and life moving on, but I know that I will miss the sweet times when they are little. The grass is always greener... Enjoy your time with them.

Cindy said...

I can't believe my children are all grown up. Pictures are precious of course. Now I get to see my children as parents going through many of the same trials and joys. As Denise says--enjoy your time with them.