Thursday, March 5, 2009

What's the Story?

I took this picture on Sunday near our house on March 1st. Do you think they were trying to break a record or something? What do you think the story behind this is?


Robin said...

The other day I noticed that someone still had their inflatable christmas ornaments deflated on their lawn. How much work does it take to put that away.

MaryBeth said...

I say the wife told the husband to take care of it and he never did, so it took nine weeks for her to be pissed off enough to do it herself.

Not that I'm speaking from experience or anything.

Denise said...

Yeah, ditto to MaryBeth.

hdknowles said...

I had a friend who once kept her tree up in the house until the end of February - didn't want the season to end. Different strokes for different folks.

Cindy said...

I agree with MaryBeth. Or maybe it belonged to a teacher who feels extremely overworked and thinks they can't spend time doing other things that need to be done. That said, my tree is down (because my husband would start taking it down ornaments and all if I didn't get at least that much done).

couplabz said...

I think it is the hubby story. Very plausible in my mind.

Cindy said...

From Calvin (he saw the posts):
I believe the reverse is true. I think the husband tasked the wife to do it and finally threw in the towel and did it himself, as usual.

P.S. From Cindy: You know I'm not buying this.

Karen said...

Whatever the story is, I'm sure "throwing in the towel" had something to do with it.

CR said...

You all are hilarious! Since my birthday is the end of January, no one in my house is allowed to think about taking down the tree before then. After that, it has to wait until we get to it. So March is possible in our house, but this year we did pretty good, I think we had it down soon after Valentine's Day.