Sunday, February 21, 2010

Better Late Than Never-February: The Month of Stellar Parenting

I want to get this posted before the month is over! Last month, health and nutrition month, went fairly well. I think I dropped a few pounds, am in slightly better shape, feeling more energy most days and am eating healthier, especially at lunch. I have been trying to continue all that I started in January. In February I have been focusing on doing things for Shayne and Maya. I definitely feel happier when they are happy. Here are a few things I have been doing or plan to do:
  • Play something with each of them at least once a day, separately or together (kick the ball around, light saber fight, play cards, etc.)
  • Make a calendar for Maya each week so she can see what is coming up. Let her decide one fun thing to do on the weekend
  • Use picture magnets for Maya to learn new words
  • Read at least one good parenting or autism book each month
  • Wake up with plenty of time to get to school in the mornings peacefully and have everything laid out the night before (we have been doing well with this and it really helps)
  • Get bedtime routine started early enough that we have plenty of time for both kids to read to me and to get read to without having to rush
  • Use the "snack bowl" for healthy snacks after school and other times (the snack bowl is just a bowl in the refrigerator with healthy snacks ready to eat in it) Both kids seem to really like this
Of course, being a teacher, I have some specific, measurable academic goals, but I won't bore you with those :)


hdknowles said...

Sounds like you've had a great month, and I liked the review of the book on your other blog. I'll have to share that with one of my nieces.

Cindy said...

It all sounds good to me. How is it going? I really like the picture of the kids having fun.